Testing and Quality Assurance
Info Lab offers a wide variety of quality assurance and testing services to ensure the highest quality solutions with optimal functionality, reliability, security, and ease of use.
These services include:
Manual testing
We manually test the software for defects from the point of view of an end-user through the creation of test harnesses, test beds, and test scripts.
Functional testing
We ensure that the software works the way it was intended and is up to industry standard using automated functional testing tools such as the rational function tester, and HP functional tester.
Performance testing
We measure the speed and effectiveness of the solution to ensure maximum efficiency.
Usability testing
We measure the speed and effectiveness of the solution to ensure maximum efficiency using automated performance testing tools such as the rational performance tester and HP Loadrunner
Security testing
We determine the vulnerabilities of the system to ensure that the system is protected using automated tools such as rational appscan and HP webinspect.